IT:chapter one

The movie IT contains many amazing camera techniques and hidden signs. The director Andrés muschietti has done a magnificent job with this film and has become a fan favourite for many people.

The start of the movie involves the mention of the various companies that got together to create this masterpiece. All of whom are presented with rain. This rain then sets a transition into the movie where the scene has preemptively set itself. The rain suggests a dark and a depressing tone which links to the movie and how it will be throughout.

He uses various techniques such as the dolly zoom when Eddie is at the well house this focuses more on the foreground and zooms out on the background. To do this the cameraman moves towards Eddie and zooms out whilst he’s walking. This effect make Eddie feel trapped and lonely which foreshadows how penny-wise gets his victims.

The start of the movie begins with Georgie going for some materials for his boat for when he goes out but we find that Georgie’s scared of the cellar this shows his fear for the underground and foreshadows where penny-wise hides. When he gets to the bottom of the cellar we see two gleaming dots this links to what penny-wise looks like so it presents some dramatic irony because the reader knows his appearance and what to look for where as the characters don’t. This also suggests that penny-wise isn’t human that he’s an abnormal being.

When Georgie first meets penny-wise we see that penny-wise decides to lure him with a false sense of security by being kind he also waits for there to be no adults so that he isn’t noticed because he knows that no one would believe a child.When penny-wise says “pop,pop,pop…” It foreshadows his intentions with the children to pick them off one by one. This also related to him being a cloud where popcorn was a common food at fairs.

Later on in the film past the halfway mark penny-wise is seen many times when you least expect him. He appears in the library behind Ben imitating an old lady if you look carefully you can see that she’s watching him and smiling this gives a sense of unease because we know what’s there yet the character doesn’t this is called dramatic irony which has been used in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. He’s also been seen in a picture that Ben looks at a picture of a group of children before a massive disaster occurred and penny-wise is seen in the background. He’s also seen on a wall when the gang are treating Ben’s wounds.

Throughout the movie we learn that penny-wise has actually brought the group together because most of them had nothing in common other than the sighting of penny-wise this is ironic because he’s turned his prey into his predator this teaches a lesson in a deeper way to stick together and to get through things as a collective rather than a division.

Near the end of the movie penny-wise changes into all of the forms that scare the kids the most yet they have no effect this leaves penny-wise helpless because it’s as if he feeds of fear and that’s how he gets the kids this shows how being fearless actually works in the long run.